Best Home Remedy Ideas to get rid of Bedbugs Easily

Best Home Remedy Ideas to get rid of Bedbugs Easily

Best Home Remedy Ideas to get rid of Bedbugs Easily

Diatomaceous Earth

This is the best remedy against all types of bed is made from sedimentary rocks that are converted into powder form and it is very simple to use just spread it all over the floor and cracks that is all you have to do. This powder will kill all the insects and bed bugs in that area but it will take up to 9 or 10 days to start working that’s the only drawback these Diatomaceous Earth have.  

Don’t ever put this powder in your bed because when you sleep this powder may get into your body such as in your lungs and may cause damage to your body


Baking Soda

Just spread this baking soda where ever you find bed bugs and always clean and reapply the baking soda after 2 days of applying because after 2 days these powder will get  useless what this powder does is that it will absorb all the moisture from these bed bugs body and it will die after sometimes


Double side tape 

Place this tape wherever there is a chance for bedbugs to climb up to your bed like on the legs of the bed or on the floor etc. what it does is that whenever these insects or bed bugs try to walk over the double side tape they will get stuck over it and one thing you have to keep in your mind is that don’t drag your clothes, pillows or anything over the Tape will destroy all your effect so always be careful.


Use Hair Dryer

If you don’t have time to wait for days to get the result then you can do this. just run the hair dry on the affected area in your bed where the heat of the hairdryer will kill all the bed bugs in that area. this is one of the easiest ways to kill bedbugs 


Rub alcohol

This is also an easy method to kill bed bugs what you have to do is just pour some alcohol in a spray bottle and spray it wherever there is a presence of bed bugs it will eliminate all bed bugs in that area


Bed bugs control expert

This is one of the best solution for your bed bugs problem if you have money to spend. hire a bed bugs control services provider from your locality they will help you to get rid of the pest in your home at an affordable price.


Always wash all cloth and bedding

Wash all the clothes and bedding that has been exposed to bed bugs and other insects in hot water which will, in turn, kills every pest present in your clothes and beddings


Steam cleaning

steam cleaning will kill all the bed bugs and their eggs when exposed to heat that exceeding 130 degrees Fahrenheit.



Vacuuming the bed once in 2 days will help you to eliminate the bed bugs and their eggs but you cannot eliminate all of them but it helps. you should start vacuuming your bed first then you should move to mattress, sofas, chairs, carpets, floorboards, etc

When you are done with it get rid of your vacuum bag as far away as possible from your home. don’t even try to keep the vacuum bag inside your home it will sabotage all your efforts

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