What are the different types of rodents


What are the different types of rodents

Around the globe, the most found pests are rodents. They have formed into colonies because they multiply very fast. They spread many diseases, contaminate your food, create many damages to your properties and also steals food too. They can be removed from causing any further infestation by eliminating their food sources and also by finding their hiding places. 

Trapping and poisoning are some of the approaches used to prevent these rodents from infesting your house. They can be prevented thus from entering your house. By their physical appearances, they can be varied from their types.

For rodents, their teeth keep on growing throughout their lifetime, thus they are characterised. Excluding Antarctica, they can be found anywhere, where they constitute 40% of all mammal species. They are considered as a different mammalian species in the Globe. It is because they exist in the wild and between the man-made atmosphere with their survival instincts. Their ability to dig the ground and to create home and get food for them is also their speciality. They can be distinguished by their long tails and smaller bodies. These rodents survive on nuts, seeds or fruits, some of them are even attracted to meat and dairy products too.


In the globe, the most recognised rodent is the rat. When compared to the mice they can be easily differentiated just because of their size and colour. Because of their long tails and grey fur, the most seen rodents in residences and buildings are often called rats. As rats were the carriers of bubonic plague they are known for the spread of many diseases.


They belong to one of the well-known rodent species that are relatable to other rodent species. They usually belong to the mice category. The mouse can be found in both wild and areas were people reside and they have more breeding rate when compared to other rodents. These rodents are usually used for experiments and are also kept as pets.


The Hamsters are usually kept as pets mostly in the western hemisphere. They are the most cutest rodent species found on the Globe. They can be seen in various colours and can be seen in small and fat sizes. Their feet have thick fur covered completely and have so short tails. They are not very flexible in both temperatures, be it hot or cold and are fragile creatures. Because of their poor eyesight and colourblindness, they mostly use their sixth sense to find food and also to know their sexes.


Their characteristics are mostly protruding teeth, flattened head and also soft fur. Their sharp claws help them to dig faster, which is why they are included in the category of small burrowing animals. Lawns, gardens, dams, fields etc are their residing places.

It is difficult to control these kinds of rodents. We provide all types of mice and rodent control services in Dubai.  We can provide you with all type of disinfecting services as they can be found in almost every residence. We can provide you with proper rat control services in Dubai.


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